Independent Label tHinc. Records Announces the New Album, Soul In Exile Redux, from The Hesh Inc.
ENGLEWOOD, N.J., January 28, 2022 -- Independent record label tHinc. Records is excited to announce the release of the latest album from The Hesh Inc., Soul In Exile Redux, available online at all the major streaming and download sites on Jan. 28, 2022.
The Hesh Inc. is a NJ/NY–based act led by singer-songwriter Heshy Rosenwasser, better known as Heshy R, performing songs about exile, redemption, beach towns in the off season, and finding one’s place in the world. tHinc. (pronounced “think”) Records is The Hesh Inc.’s proprietary label, which has put out releases by the artist since 1999.
“Soul In Exile Redux is a Rock album, in the Album Rock genre, by an artist who still believes in the power of Rock’n’Roll and albums, for fans of Rock music, in a world where such releases are increasingly rare, if not altogether archaic. It is the keystone release of the artist’s magnum opus, designed to put him and his music before newer and wider audiences who may be thirsting for new releases of this style of music,” Rosenwasser says. An advance single from the album, “Jersey Shore Baby,” was released on Nov. 26, 2021.
Regarding Soul In Exile Redux, New Jersey music writer John Pfeiffer has this to say:
“Hesh is back with a collection of thinking man’s music. Combining all things Jersey with tradition, faith, and an optimistic outlook of the future, Soul in Exile Redux winds in and out of those topics like an adder in the desert on this 9-song offering. Songs utilize a live wall of sound, and the mix is both potent and extremely listenable. Songwriting experience raises its head on this disc as Hesh shows off his years of compositional skill on songs like ‘Jersey Shore Baby’ and ‘Convention Hall.’ I loved the song ‘Bruce’ as it tells the tale of the Boss in a bygone era, a time before political alienism. Combining highly personal thoughts and insight, Soul in Exile Redux shakes the tree of New Jersey’s very diverse musical landscape. Remixed in Red Bank’s own Retromedia Sound, the disc bounces along with vitality and passion that only live music can manage. Hesh is a veteran songwriter through and through and his compositional talent shines bright on Soul in Exile Redux. If you’re looking for original music with catchy melodic variety and flair, give this disc a listen as its sure to stir an emotion or two in any music lover out there today.”
Heshy has been an active musician since his high school days, starting his musical journey in Jerusalem, Israel and then making his way through Boston, New Jersey, New York, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles, playing in bands covering a range of styles and genres from Rock to Disco to Reggae to Jewish music. He has released five albums of original music and has lent his keyboard and vocal skills to various artists in all the above-mentioned styles and locations. He has always considered the Jersey Shore his spiritual and creative center, returning there between and during his sojourns in those other places.