So many people but still so lonely
So many people all going with the flow
It used to be so distant
But I’m a part of it now
So many people trying to make their one and only
And if they miss this one, the next one’s in an hour or so
Cramming the subway cars and tunnels like cattle
And I’m a part of it now
Well despite all these mob scenes, things are pretty good
I got this great job—I get paid like I should
I’d come see you more often, if only I could
But this is the life I lead now
Now you’re in the sunshine and I’m in the rain
And I’m not just talking about the weather
I’m talking about two states of mind
You’re where you’re supposed to be, and I’m not
You’re riding the west wind while I’m riding this train
Writing you this song like I’m writing you a letter
And if being rich is by satisfaction defined
I must be poor ‘cause I’m not happy with what I got
I got that great job like I mentioned before
I got a great car and I live near the shore
I got all these great things, could I ask any more
Yes I can, ‘cause I’m nowhere near you!
You are my Ellie, my special Ellie
Though it feels like we’re at opposite ends of the world
I love you so much, oh yes I do
As much as any man has loved his little girl
I see a pretty girl walking
She reminds me of you
I hear a smart girl talking
She reminds me of you
I hear your favorite song playing
I hear some words you love saying
I see what the stores are displaying
It all reminds me of you
I see the Empire State
It reminds me of you
What makes this city great
Is all the times here with you
All the times not yet had
As daughter with dad
I promise you baby
Things are gonna get better
When we’ll be together
All those precious times
When we’re together
How’s life been
Have have you been doing
Are you having some good times
In spite of it all
How are your friends
How’s the playing and schooling
These are my usual questions
Whenever I call
But what I really want to know
Is will you ever forgive me
And will you still love me
In spite of it all
Because when all my systems are go
That’s when it all hits me
And sometimes I can’t help but feel
That I dropped the ball
It doesn’t matter if I’m laughing or if I’m crying
Or whether I’m driving, commuting, or flying
If I said I didn’t miss you, you know I’d be lying
And you know I wouldn’t lie to you
‘Cuz I love you, my baby Boo
You are my Ellie, my precious Ellie
Though it hurts so much when we’re so far apart
I love you so much, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise
No one can ever replace you in my heart
You are my Ellie, my special Ellie
Though it feels like we’re at opposite ends of the world
I love you so much, oh yes I do
As much as any dad has loved his little girl
©2023 The Hesh Inc.

This is a song, plain and simple, about me missing my daughter. After my prestigious position in Los Angeles ended (it was a glorified temp job, really), I made the difficult decision of moving back east. At first it was difficult finding work, especially in my areas of expertise, and after a fruitless year and a half of being underemployed, I decided that it would be better to just pull up my stakes and go back to LA. After all, if I'm going to bump along, I may as well do it where I can be near my daughter (eight years old at the time). Of course, though, as the Higher Power would have it, just as I was starting to make plans to go back to the West Coast, I was found by a "talent scout" for an agency that was searching for people like me. One thing led to another and a well-paying position was mine ... but it was in New York City, with no options at the time to work remotely. Some choice that was ... be on the opposite side of the country and make a good living, or be near my daughter and starve. I took the job, but every day as I commuted in and out of the city I was acutely aware of who was missing in my life. Consequently I made it my business to travel to LA several times a year, and she also visited New Jersey from time to time, which enabled me to see her in my surroundings as well.
The music is based on a song that I had written while I was in the army, also about missing someone special in my life—"Letter to His Girlfriend." I recorded this version in the basement of the house I was living in at the time in Interlaken, outside of Asbury Park.