Now hey girl, you’re getting married at last
No one can accuse you of moving too fast
You timed it right, didn’t think you had to run
You didn’t rush into it ‘cause of some shotgun
You were never the type to ask for too much
But I see you still got your golden touch
Your boy’s real smart, he’s gonna have a good life
‘Cause now he’s got you to be his wife
So darling, I hear you’re getting married today
Getting out of the house, gonna make your own way
You been waiting long enough, now you’re all ready, I see
To change your last initial from R. to D.
And it’s raining on your wedding day
But it’s all planned out, it won’t stop you, no way
Now you’re all set for a happy ending
But it ain’t the end, you see, it’s just beginning
I used to fall asleep and slip into a dream
Of you and me walking down by the stream
Just hand in hand, nothing more
Then I’d wake up alone on the floor
You looked so good, you’d make me flip
I’d fall asleep with your name on my lips
I thought you were all a guy could ask for
But I can’t fantasize ‘bout you no more
I’d have a hard time deciding if I was in love
Maybe I wasn’t, maybe I was
Bu that was then, you’ve since gone your own way
And now you’ve reached that dreaded day
Now I’ve known you for more than five years
And I ain’t gonna hide my wedding- day tears
All I can do is stand by dumbstruck
All I can say is goodbye and good luck
©2024 The Hesh Inc.

This one dates back to 1985, shortly after I was informed that someone I had a serious crush on in my earlier teens had just gotten engaged.
Musically, it's just three chords (first, seventh, fourth) over an uptempo rhythm reminiscent of J. Geils "Freeze-Frame." After the last word in the last line, the band has the option to kick into any of the classic Jewish-wedding dance tunes.