Well his name is Uzi just like the famous machine gun
And with all the noise he makes he might as well have been one
He’ll bring down the house with his gang of friends
And then he’ll walk off all alone
This little boy has a will all his own
He dances like a wild spirit and never runs out of energy
He’ll orbit you like the moon and he’ll go on unrelentingly
He drives mom and dad crazy
And they can’t get a word in edgewise
He’s the king of the big time wiseguys
Wherever he goes there’s gonna be trouble
He’ll burst your temperamental bubble
He’s a wild one my little brother
But when it all comes down I love him
I wouldn’t want any other
Well he can make all these faces
that can put monster movies to shame
Keymaster, Terror Dog, BT, Dracula, just a few to name
He’ll disconcert passersby with gyroscope eyeballs
You just can’t beat his rubberfaced emulation
He’s the Kid of a Thousand Imitations
Here he comes in a video starship zipping out of hyperspace
He’s the invincible undefeated undisputed Atari Ace
Daddy comes in and says I need you now
Uzi says No, later
I’m busy chasing down Darth Vader
Wherever he goes there’s gonna be trouble
He’ll burst your temperamental bubble
He’s a wild one my little brother
But when it all comes down I love him
I wouldn’t want any other
©2023 The Hesh Inc.

My brother was 11 years younger than me. Between me and him I had two sisters, and while I loved (and still love) them very much, I longed for the day that I'd have a brother. Many of my friends had brothers, older and younger, and I envied them. But when my brother was born, and by the time he was up and around, he was too young to be a peer or a pal ... and I was thrust into a reluctant position as role model. When he was a kindergartener, I was already going to school in another town, and by the time he was in third grade, I was serving in the army and only came home every couple of weeks. By the time he himself graduated high school, I was already back in the USA while he was till in Israel. So I hardly ever saw him, except on those rare occasions when I would visit my family or even rarer ones when they came to visit me. Yet the entire time I was hardly there, I didn't have any idea that he was looking up to me. But he was.
The last time I saw him was on the occasion of my second marriage, in 1996. Whenever we spoke on the phone he'd say he wanted to come visit me "one of these days" when he had some time off. But one of those days never came. He was in a horrible car accident on the road just outside of Ginot Shomron, shortly after visiting my parents. He survived the crash but never came out of a coma, and he died 35 days later.
I wrote these lyrics in the mid-1980s (the pop-culture references should give that away), when I was still in the army and he would generally make a nuisance of himself whenever I came home to visit, as little brothers frequently do. I'd do anything to have that nuisance back again. May my brother's memory be for a blessing.