Five o’clock in the morning
I’m awake, lucid and clear
My mind is sharp, my imagination is fresh
My vantage point is premier.
The best stuff always comes to me
In the lonely cool before dawn
I keep my ears open and write it all down
And next thing you know, a song is born.
Five o’clock in the evening
I’m tired, exhausted and spent
My mind is dull, my concentration is foggy
This hour is my most dense.
Nothing ever comes to me
In the hazy light before dusk
I can’t even focus on the stuff that I like
Call it a day, call it a bust.
Five o’clock comes twice a day
One sweet, the other sour
Amazing how everything turns upside down
In the space of twelve hours.
I wish there was a way to break this circle
And nullify the meaning of time
There’s got to be more than repeating this cycle
If I’m to seek and find the sublime.
©2023 The Hesh Inc.
This was written sometime in the early 2000s. Not quite a song, not quite a poem, just a little ditty explaining my personal time cycle as it was at the time (as it were). Never recorded or performed.