What is happening?
Why can’t I get it out of me?
There’s so much locked inside me
And I can’t find a key
There’s just one more song
One more till I can be free
One more to let fly
So I can let it all be
So write the damn song
Be done with the past
Stand up and be strong
You’ll get free at last.
It’s been a long time now
It’s been time to move along
I need to lay it all on the line now
Time to play that one last song
The pain has subsided
I’ve got a clear conscience and mind
It’s time to gather my strength
To cut the last tie that binds
So write …
So what keeps me from doing it?
Perhaps some vestige of love?
Or is it success and progress
That I’m in fear of
But I have to do it
No matter the consequence
It’s the only way to go
That makes any sense
So write …
©2024 The Hesh Inc.

This song-about-writing-a-song goes back to the early 2010s, when I was caught up in writing a whole slew of songs about my recent divorce and feeling like I couldn't get out of it. It seemed like all I needed to do was to write that one last song and then I'd be able to let go of all the baggage ... but that one last song wasn't coming. No music yet.