I’ve reached a cross roads
Between hither, thither, and yon
I’ve reached a cross roads
Between spouting off and acting on
I’ve reached a cross roads
Riches and fame to the left, long life to the right
I’ve reached a cross roads
One way to darkness, the other way light
They say a spirit haunts these cross roads
For the price of your soul it’ll grant you your dreams
Many legends and songs grew up from these cross roads
But the myth isn’t what it seems.
I’ve reached a cross roads
Which way do I go, man, which way do I go?
I’ve reached a cross roads
I don’t know, man, I don’t know
I’ve reached a cross roads
The answer should be simple but it ain’t
I’ve reached a cross roads
Neither way sinner nor saint
They say the devil haunts these cross roads
For your soul, it’ll grant you whatever you crave
But I stand here in the middle of these cross roads
And I see no spirit or devil, no tomb or grave.
I’ve reached a cross roads
Left or right, forward or back
I’ve reached a cross roads
Slow it down Jim, speed it up Jack
I’ve reached a cross roads
Tell your friends before the sun goes down
I’ve reached a cross roads
I believe if I don’t keep going, I’ll be sinking down
Why does it have to be one way or the other
Can’t I just go both ways and see where they go
Take one way, then take another
Is there one way to go? There’s no way to know.
©2023 The Hesh Inc.

I have often felt this way. Sometimes, often, it's easier just to stay in place than to choose one way to go. Of course, do that, and your whole life stands still. This was written sometime in the early 2000s when I was at just such a place.
The whole image of a crossroads has come up time and again in songs and elsewhere. A number of them are referenced here in the lyrics. No music yet; not sure if I want to make this a blues song or if that would be a bit too cliché for this image and metaphor.