How can I begin to write
with all the everyday perils looming above me
How can I begin to write
when I’m in trouble with the one who loves me
How can I think of the things I want to say
when I’m weighted down with tons of mundanities
How can I express the things I need to say
when my mind is a cluttered up with inanities
… all I ask is how.
How can I exude my radiant self
when my chest is pressed with all this negativity
How can I take my soul off the shelf
and put it wholehearted into my creativity
How can I finish my magnum opus
when my attention is distracted by all this piddling
How can I ever get myself to focus
when all my time is taken up by this useless twiddling
… all I ask is how.
How can I just be what I am
without worrying about perceived public perception
How can I just say I am what I am
without being subject of derision or dissection
How can I claim what I know is mine
without it getting called a sense of entitlement
How can I make the local scene mine
without being sucked into its toxic environment
… all I ask is how.
How can I live the life that I dream
when I’m caught up in dealing with necessary evils
How can I get out of this main stream
when every day my hopes grow more and more feeble
How do I go ahead and make the switch
when I’m all too worried about the bottom dollar
How do I dare to scratch the itch
that burns in my palms and makes me want to holler
… all I ask is how.
©2023 The Hesh Inc.

Another one of my songs in which I try to figure out what my next steps should be, what with all the [largely self-imposed or self-perceived] obstacles in my way. Written during the early 2000s, as I was deciding whether to proceed with the REALITY SHOCK album or the next installment of the Soul In Exile opus (eventually both got made, but as the late Tom Petty sang, the waiting is the hardest part). No music to these lyrics yet.